Información sobre VIRAL CEL instancia de Odoo, el ERP de código abierto.
Aplicaciones instaladas
- Ventas
- De cotizaciones a facturas
- Facturación
- Facturas y pagos
- Seguimiento de leads y oportunidades cercanas
- Sitio web
- Constructor de sitio web empresarial
- Inventario
- Gestione sus actividades de inventario y logística.
- Contabilidad
- Contabilidad, Impuestos, Presupuestos, Activos, etc.
- Compra
- Órdenes de compra, licitaciones y acuerdos.
- Comercio electrónico
- Venda sus productos en línea
- Marketing por correo electrónico
- Diseñe, envíe y rastree correos electrónicos
- Studio
- Cree y personalice aplicaciones
- Documents
- Document management
- Reciclaje de datos
- Encuentre registros antiguos y archívelos o bórrelos.
- Método de pago Paycode
- Acepta pagos en tu eCommerce con Paycode. Acepta tarjeta de débito VISA, Mastercard, American Express. También acepta tarjetas de crédito Citibanamex, BBVA Bancomer, Santander, HSBC, Scotiabank, Inbursa, IXE Acept payments in your eCommerce with Paycode. Accepts VISA, Mastercard, American Express debit cards. It also accepts credit cards such as Citibanamex, BBVA Bancomer, Santander, HSBC, Scotiabank, Inbursa, IXE
- Conekta/OXXO/SPEI Payment Acquirer
- Payment Acquirer: Conekta / OXOO Cash Payment / SPEI Cash Payment.Do payment same way like standard Payment method availables like Paypal,Square,Amazon,Openpay,authorize,stripe,iPay
- Openpay Payment Acquirer (Card / Store / Bank)
- Payment Acquirer: Openpay Implementation, Openpay store, Openpay Bank
- Viral sales
- Viral user portal
- ChatRoom BASE Whatsapp - Messenger - Instagram. Live Chat. Real All in One with ChatGPT OpenAI and Sale Funnels
- From ChatRoom main view Search & Send Product. With ChatGPT OpenAI and Sale Funnel. Send message from many places with Templates (Sale, Invoice, Purchase, CRM Leads, Product, Stock Picking, Partner). GupShup Chat-Api ChatApi. Whatsapp, Instagram DM, FaceBook Messenger. ChatRoom 2.0.
- ChatRoom Facebook/Instagram/Whatsapp Live Chat. Real All in One
- Instagram DM & FaceBook Messenger chat in ChatRoom, Live Send and Receive. Send from many places. Instagram Direct Message IDM META ChatRoom 2.0.
- ChatRoom SEND Invoice and Templates. WhatsApp.
- Send messages from Invoices with Templates.
- ChatRoom SEND CRM Leads and Templates. WhatsApp.
- Send messages from CRM Leads with Templates.
- ChatRoom SEND Purchase Order and Templates. WhatsApp.
- Send messages from Purchase Order with Templates.
- ChatRoom SEND Sale Order and Templates. WhatsApp
- Send messages from Sale Order with Templates.
- ChatRoom SEND Product and Stock Picking. Templates. WhatsApp
- Send messages from Product and Stock Picking with Templates.
- ChatRoom SEND BASE
- Base module for others. Messages and Templates.
- Suscripciones
- MRR, cancelación, pagos recurrentes
- Conversaciones
- Chat, puerta de enlace al correo y canales privados
- Contactos
- Centralice su libreta de direcciones
- Calendario
- Programa las reuniones de empleados
- Marketing social
- Gestione las visitas que tienen sus redes sociales y su sitio web
- Chat en vivo
- Chatee con los visitantes de su sitio web
- Marketing por SMS
- Diseñe, envíe y rastree SMS
Localizaciones/planes de cuentas instalados
- EDI for Mexico
- Mexican Localization for EDI documents
- EDI v4.0 for Mexico
- Converts the Mexican EDI CFDI documents to version 4.0
- Odoo Mexican Localization Reports
- Electronic accounting reports - COA - Trial Balance DIOT Report
- Mexico - Month 13 Trial Balance
- Mexico Month 13 Trial Balance Report
- Odoo Mexican XML Polizas Export
- XML Export of the Journal Entries for the Mexican Tax Authorities for a compulsory audit.